7 Best Welcome Messages for New Employees

20 August 2024  ·  ~ 5 minutes

7 Best Welcome Messages for New Employees

Starting a new job can often present many emotions - from excitement at having secured the role to first day jitters of walking into the unknown. How can managers help ease the nerves and welcome their new hires? What can you tell new employees on the first day that will help them feel welcome and comfortable?

A simple thoughtful welcome message can help your new hire feel immediately assured and reaffirm their decision to join your organisation. It sets the tone for what they should expect and gives your new hire a glimpse into your team culture. With the new hire being expected to complete an average of 54 activities during their onboarding, a well crafted welcome message can ease them into the role and set expectations from the very start.

What should you include in a Welcome Message?

When writing a welcome message, think about what you want your new hire to remember and feel on their first day. Starting at a new company can often be daunting - it is important to help your new employee feel supported and assured that they made the right decision by joining your business.

Make them feel valued

Let your new hire know that their role and presence in the team is valued. According to a survey by American Psychological Association (APA), 93% of employees who feel valued are motivated to do their best. Letting your new employees know that their experience and expertise is important to your team and sharing with them the impact their role would have can help assure them their contribution will be recognised and appreciated.

Build trust by being available

Starting a new role can be intimidating. Your new hire probably doesn’t know anyone in your business and may feel unsure or overwhelmed being in a new space. By assuring your new hire that you’re there to help them through their first few weeks, you start to build trust with them. A strong first impression will create the foundation of a strong rapport and working relationship.

Encourage them to explore

Being new in a place can often mean that you’re unsure about overstepping boundaries and/or trying things out for yourself. Managers can build confident employees by setting expectations from the first day. Encourage your new hires to be curious, ask questions and proactive with their own learning. This will assure them that they belong in the team and are viewed as a trusted member of the business.

7 Welcome to the Team Message Examples

Short and simple welcome messages to send via Slack and/or other direct messaging:

  1. Welcome to the team [NAME]! We’re so excited to have you join the team. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me or anyone on the team.
  2. Hi [NAME]! We’re thrilled you’re here and look forward to having you own this role. If there’s anything I can do to help, please feel free to reach out.
  3. A huge congratulations and welcome to the team [NAME]! We’re stoked you’re joining us and cannot wait to get to know you better. So excited to have you work alongside us for the next phase of the journey! Do let me know if you have any questions over the next few days and weeks.
  4. Hi [NAME], I just wanted to extend a warm welcome to you on behalf of the team. We’re so happy to have you onboard. Your skill and experience are a valuable asset to us and we are glad you’re joining us on this adventure!
  5. Glad you’re here [NAME]! Welcome to the team, we’re so stoked you’re joining us. I’m always available if you need me - happy to help!

Welcome emails to send to new employees:

Example 6.

Hi [NAME],

Welcome to [Company Name]! 🎉 We’re super excited to have you join us as our new [Job Title].

Your first day is [Start Date], and we can’t wait to meet you. We’ll meet at [Location] around [Start Time], and [Supervisor/HR Person] will be there to give you a warm welcome and show you around.

I’ve attached some useful info and a little welcome packet. If you’ve got any questions or need anything before then, just drop me an email.

Looking forward to having you on the team!

Best regards,
[Hiring Manager]

Example 7.

Hi [NAME],

Welcome to [Company Name]! 🎉 We’re all excited to have you on board as our [Job Title].

Your first day is [Start Date], and we’ve got a fun day planned to get you settled in. You’ll meet the team, get a tour, and have lunch with us so you can get to know everyone.

I’ve attached some info to help you get started, but if you have any questions or need anything, just let me know.

Can’t wait to get you onboard and see what amazing things we’ll accomplish together!

[Hiring Manager]

Creating a warm welcome message for new employees is a great opportunity to create a strong first impression to build a positive relationship with your employees. By showing enthusiasm and providing useful information, you can make new hires feel valued and supported from the first day.

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